In Dragon Ball Super, when Vegito returns at the near end of the "Future" Trunks Saga, his personality is mostly the same except he is far more serious than last time due to his opponent not needing to worry about any loved ones' safety and now knowing about his fusion's time limit. In the original dub, he maintains Goku's respectful nature, referring to Old Kai as Dai Kaiōshin-sama. This was shown when he stated he was wondering what would happen if "they" (Goku and Vegeta) merged, though he also referred to himself as "us" when talking about "sharing a body". However, he still retains the memories of each individual and can clearly distinguish between the two.

During his fight with Super Buu, Vegito also showed signs of having a sense of humor, such as after Buu transformed Vegito into candy, Vegito claimed he wasn't no ordinary candy, but a jawbreaker and the "strongest candy there is". Being a whole new entity, he refers to his counterparts as separate people as they would address each other. Despite appearing cocky, he in fact retains Goku's benevolence and empathy. He possesses both Vegeta's strategic mind and tactical skills along with Goku's ingenuity and creativity, making him that much more efficient. He exhibits Vegeta's cockiness and inclination for taunting others, and enjoys toying with enemies, but is not as serious, having inherited Goku's easygoing, cheerful nature. Vegito's personality is a mixture of both Goku and Vegeta's characteristics. During the Universe Creation Saga, Vegito returned to his Buu Saga outfit. When he appeared in the Prison Planet Saga of Super Dragon Ball Heroes, due to Goku and Vegeta having different clothing when they fused, Vegito's clothing changed in kind, now consisting of a black dogi and pants, an orange t-shirt, a blue obi tied in the middle of his waist, and Vegeta's gloves and boots. The belt stays the same blue color, and he wears the white gloves and boots of Vegeta. Vegito wears two yellow Potara earrings as result of the Potara fusion, and wears a color-swapped version of the Turtle School Uniform that Goku usually wears, with the top and pants being blue with an orange undershirt. When he transforms into a Super Saiyan or Super Saiyan Blue, his hair shape stays the same. Vegito's upper hair style stands firmly upwards like Vegeta, while having Goku's hairline and has two bangs sticking out like a downward "V" shape.

He has Goku's softer jawline and Vegeta's sharper eyes. He has the same body type as Goku, while his hair color is dark brown to reddish brown. Vegito is a mixture of both Goku and Vegeta's characteristics, with a few deviations.